sdfsdf PaySystem - PROFIT CARD


card with many advantages

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PaySystem in cooperation with the Hospodářska komora České republiky (the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic) brings an exclusive and free service in the form of a PROFIT CARD.

For all carriers who want to pay the fees associated with the Czech toll system through an invoice (both in the prepayment mode and in the post-payment mode) and for those who will want to use the system of benefits and discounts from the Hospodářska komora ČR.

What benefits do you get with the PROFIT CARD?


  • the bank guarantee you do not have to deal in a complicated and long time and pay fees for their equipment
  • You will receive an invoicing period of 15 or 30 days and an invoice due date of 15 days automatically
  • you have full control over the cost per kilometer traveled on all your vehicles
  • you do not have to deal with the payment of deposits for on-board units separately
  • possibility to participate in foreign business missions of the Hospodářská komora ČR with a 5% discount
  • possibility of 5% discount on all courses and trainings organized by the Hospodářská komora ČR

Other benefits and services not only from the Hospodářská komora ČR will gradually increase!

Does not apply. In the stated period, the issuance and use of the card is free of charge and without monthly fees for the entire period of validity of the card.

V uvádzacom období je vydanie a používanie karty zdarma a bez mesačných poplatkov a to po celú dobu platnosti karty.
PROFIT KARTU získate na jednom z 15 kontaktných miestach Hospodářské komory ČR a karta vám bude na požiadanie vydaná a aktivovaná priamo na mieste.

Na vydanie PROFIT KARTY potrebujete:

  • spísať zmluvu o podmienkach poskytnutia a používania karty na kontaktnom mieste
  • v prípade, že ste štatutárnym orgánom, stačí občiansky preukaz
  • v prípade, že ste poverená osoba predložíte plnú moc



PaySystem, s.r.o.
Westend Plaza
Lamačská cesta 3/B
841 04 Bratislava

Support SK/CZ

Tel.: +420 255 712 667

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